Normoyle-Normile in the World
including Normyle, Normoile, Normill, etc.
Mac Giolla Mhaoil,
anglicised to Normile or Normoyle
About 1920 United States Federal Census
This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United States Federal Census, the Fourteenth Census of the United States. It includes all states and territories, as well as Military and Naval Forces, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone. The census provides many details about individuals and families including: name, gender, age, birthplace, year of immigration, mother tongue, and parents’ birthplaces. In addition, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1920 Federal Census.
Due to boundary modifications in Europe resulting from World War I, some individuals were uncertain about how to identify their national origin. Enumerators were instructed to spell out the name of the city, state, province, or region of respondents who declared that they or their parents had been born in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Turkey or Irish Free State. Interpretation of the birthplace varied from one enumerator to another. Some failed to identify specific birthplaces within those named countries, and others provided an exact birthplace in countries not designated in the instructions.
The 1920 Census was begun on 1 January 1920. The actual date of the enumeration appears on the heading of each page of the census schedule, but all responses were to reflect the individual's status as of 1 January, even if the status had changed between 1 January and the day of enumeration. For example, children born between 1 January and the day of enumeration were not to be listed, while individuals alive on 1 January but deceased when the enumerator arrived were to be counted.
The following questions were asked by enumerators:
Name of street, avenue road, etc.
House number or farm
Number of dwelling in order of visitation
Number of family in order of visitation
Name of each person whose place of abode was with the family
Relationship of person enumerated to the head of the family
Whether home owned or rented; if owned, whether free or mortgaged
Color or race
Age at last birthday
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced
Year of immigration to United States
Whether naturalized or alien
If naturalized, year of naturalization
Whether able to read
Whether able to write
Person's place of birth
Mother tongue
Father's place of birth
Father's mother tongue
Mother's place of birth
Mother's mother tongue
Trade, profession, or particular kind of work
Industry, business, of work
Whether employer, salary or wage worker
Number of farm schedule