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About the Passenger Lists to and From Ireland

Cork Harbor
(also called Cobh and Queenstown)

From 1848 - 1950 over 6 million adults and children emigrated from Ireland - over 2.5 million departed from Cobh, making it the single most important port of emigration. This exodus from Ireland was largely as a result of poverty, crop failures, the land system and a lack of opportunity. Irish emigration reached unprecedented proportions during the famine as people fled from hunger and disease.

/  Searching the Name


It has been my understanding that all passenger lists have not been digitized at this time. I know of many Normoyle/iles that have not been found on any passenger list, and I hope this is because the list has not being digitized, and not through improper spelling or poor image quality.


This is the most updated list for Normoyle/iles. Variations occuring through spelling and typographical errors could have occured by the phoenetic pronunciation of the name when said to the captain, or possibly on the transcribers part.


/  Fares


In 1846, the ship fare from Ireland to Quebec was about 6 pounds for a man, his wife, and 4 children. The fare to NY was about 21 pounds. With this fact in mind, you might check other ports of entry other than the main port, NYC.(source: Magnus Magnusson, 1978. Landlord or Tenant?: A View of Irish History)

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