Normoyle-Normile in the World
including Normyle, Normoile, Normill, etc.
Mac Giolla Mhaoil,
anglicised to Normile or Normoyle
United States Census State Censuses
United States Census For States
State censuses were often taken in the years between the federal censuses, such as 1875 or 1892. For some states these exist from about 1825 to 1925. State census records may be found at state archives, state historical societies, state libraries, the Family History Library, or on the Internet.
State census records may help fill in the gaps in the years between the federal censuses. State census records may have asked different or unusual questions which may give additional information on the family.
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut
Delaware District of Columbia
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Montana
Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming